What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture has been around for over 2000 thousand years and has its roots in Ancient China. It is a very unique and gentle therapy and is renowned for its effectiveness in treating a wide range of conditions, including non-specific problems, which may be difficult to diagnose or treat in Western Medicine, such as general feeling of being unwell or not 'feeling yourself'.
Traditional acupuncture looks at pain and illness as signs that the body is out of balance and, through treatment, aims to restore the body's natural equilibrium. Rather than looking at symptoms in isolation the Acupuncturist will consider not only the presenting symptoms but also the overall health of the person. Acupuncture seeks to make connections between a person's physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. By treating these interdependent aspects of a person's health an acupuncturist gains a deeper understanding or what may be underlying or contributing to a patient's presenting symptoms.
Based on traditional practice acupuncturists are trained to use subtle diagnostic techniques, such as pulse, tongue and visual diagnosis, to assess the patient as a whole, which enables treatment to be focused on the whole person rather than just your presenting symptoms.
What can Acupuncture do for you?
Nicky is experienced in successfully treating a wide range of conditions many of which are listed below.
How many treatments will I need?
How many treatments you have is up to you, although an initial course of six treatments is usually recommend for more chronic conditions, often with less frequent treatment suggested thereafter to maintain the benefits of the treatment. However, this will be discussed in detail during your first consultation once a full assessment of your needs has been undertaken. The initial treatment generally lasts between an hour and an hour and a half and subsequents treatments an hour. What conditions can it help?
What does it feel like?
Acupuncture needles are super fine. In fact they can hardly be referred to as needles as they are more like a wisp of hair. On insertion, you may feel nothing, a slight fizz or a dull ache. Almost every patient comments on how relaxing the treatment is. The sterile needle is only used once and thrown away in a clinical waste container immediately afterwards.
For those who may be anxious about needles acupressure or exceptionally fine needles can been used.
What else happens when I go for treatment?
Firstly, a case history is taken, which simply takes the form of a conversation about you. You only share the information you wish to give. It generally centres on why you are seeking treatment, what your current health is like, how your health has been throughout your life and other areas such as diet, sleep, relationships, work and hobbies.
You will have pulses taken on both wrists and your tongue will be observed, as this information will help to inform the acupuncturist’s diagnosis and treatment plan.
Each time you visit, progress is discussed, feedback is obtained and a personalised treatment is administered. Frequency of treatments depends on the improvement rate and is decided with you each time.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) recognise more than 50 conditions as either proved through clinical trials to be effectively treated by Acupuncture, or for which therapeutic benefit has been shown. For a complete list on the WHO website click here.
For further information about acupuncture and the symptoms and conditions it can help to treat, please visit the British Acupuncture Council website.
Below is a list of some of the conditions that Acupuncture can help with:
Arthritic pain - rheumatoid and osteoarthritis
Gynaecological problems, inc. PMT and painful periods (dysmenorrhoea)
Urinary tract infections/incontinence
Whatever problem you face, it is worth considering acupuncture. Nicky is always happy to discuss acupuncture and you are invited to contact her with questions or concerns you may have, prior to making any decisions regarding treatment.
Cost of Treatment
Free 15 minute consultation to discuss how I may be able to help you.
Acupuncture first consultation, including treatment (up to 75 minutes) £50
Acupuncture Follow-up consultation (1 hour) £40
Acupressure Massage
Acupressure massage treatment, first treatment: £45
Acupressure massage treatment, follow up: £38 (one hour)
All acupuncture sessions include the use of other treatment methods, such as cupping, moxa, as well as recommendations that may include diet, relaxation techniques and therapeutic yoga or qi gong exercises to complement your treatment.
As acupuncture is becoming more popular in the UK, some private health insurance companies now cover it in their policies, including:
National Friendly
Leeds Hospital Fund
Simply Health
Aviva Healthcare
Pru Health
Groupama Healthcare
Exeter Family Friendly
CS Healthcare
General and Medical Healthcare
Engage Mutual Assurance